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Athens, Greece

HPV (Human Papiloma Virus)-Genital warts LASER treatment

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Genital warts are an acute viral disease which is trasmitted to humnas via human pappiloma virus kai affect the genital area og men and women,it may also affect the rectum and the urethra.
HPV is the most common sexaually transmitted disease and in today world it is alomst epidemic.
Genital warts look like moles or have a shape similar to cabbage,they are highly infective since they may be transmitted by close human contact,sexual intercourse,foreplay,sex toys,skin toyching of rubbing.The genital warts may also spread rapidly with shaving that causes local microtrauma of lesions of misuse of creams containing cortisone.
In men Genital warts may appear on penis,the urethra,the rectum oe under the testicle area.
In women genital warts may appear on clitoris,external or internal labia of the vagina and also the rectum.
LASER removal of genital warts is the most advanced treatment for genital warts leaving skin intact ,it is safe painless and ideal for areas of the anus,urethra.